Martial Arts for Everyone
Family Self Defense Center (FSDC), has been chosen “Most Supportive Dojo” and “Top Five” Isshinryu Karate Schools in the Country more than 10 times, including in 2024. FSDC teaches a realistic and practical style of traditional Isshinryu martial arts, originating in Okinawa. Come train with nationally recognized, Certified Black Belt Instructors, in an encouraging and fun environment, suitable for children and adults. The award winning “FSDC program” builds self-esteem, confidence, focus and respect, without promoting aggressive behavior. Entrust the safety of your loved ones with trained professionals by joining the FSDC “Karate Family.”
Winter 2025
Tuesdays January 7 - March 18
This session features our dojo tournament!
Beginner Class: White (New Students), Yellow, Orange, and Blue Belts Time: 6-7pm Location: Novi Civic Center
Intermediate/Advanced Class: Purple, Green, Brown and Black Belts. Time: 7-8pm Location: Novi Civic Center
Fee: $120 for Novi residents; $144 for non-Novi residents
Additional information: Students will test for their new belt rank at the end of each session.
A nominal $10 testing and belt fee will be charged prior to testing. Cash paid to instructor.
Black Belt class fee: $85 for Novi Residents, $109 for Non-Novi Residents
Register through Novi Parks & Rec: www.cityofnovi.org
Spring 2025
Tuesdays April-June
Beginner Class: White (New Students), Yellow, Orange, and Blue Belts Time: 6-7pm Location: Novi Civic Center
Intermediate/Advanced Class: Purple, Green, Brown and Black Belts. Time: 7-8pm Location: Novi Civic Center
Fee: $120 for Novi residents; $144 for non-Novi residents
Additional information: Students will test for their new belt rank at the end of each session.
A nominal $10 testing and belt fee will be charged prior to testing. Cash paid to instructor.
Black Belt class fee: $85 for Novi Residents, $109 for Non-Novi Residents
Register through Novi Parks & Rec: www.cityofnovi.org
Summer 2025
Tuesdays July - September
Beginner Class: White (New Students), Yellow, Orange, and Blue Belts Time: 6-7pm Location: Novi Civic Center
Intermediate/Advanced Class: Purple, Green, Brown and Black Belts. Time: 7-8pm Location: Novi Civic Center
Fee: $120 for Novi residents; $144 for non-Novi residents
Additional information: Students will test for their new belt rank at the end of each session.
A nominal $10 testing and belt fee will be charged prior to testing. Cash paid to instructor.
Black Belt class fee: $85 for Novi Residents, $109 for Non-Novi Residents
Register through Novi Parks & Rec: www.cityofnovi.org
Fall 2025
Tuesdays September - December
Beginner Class: White (New Students), Yellow, Orange, and Blue Belts Time: 6-7pm Location: Novi Civic Center
Intermediate/Advanced Class: Purple, Green, Brown and Black Belts. Time: 7-8pm Location: Novi Civic Center
Fee: $120 for Novi residents; $144 for non-Novi residents
Additional information: Students will test for their new belt rank at the end of each session. No class Nov. 5 and Nov. 26.
Our fall session features our Halloween costume party and our festive holiday party!
A nominal $10 testing and belt fee will be charged prior to testing. Cash paid to instructor.
Black Belt class fee: $85 for Novi Residents, $109 for Non-Novi Residents
Register through Novi Parks & Rec: www.cityofnovi.org