Jesse Barrons
Jesse began practicing Isshinryu karate with FSDC in 2012 and earned his Black Belt in December of 2019. He likes that Isshinryu emphasizes realistic fighting that can be used at any age. His favorite thing is that he and his daughter, Evelyn, tested for Black Belt together in 2019. He and Evelyn also tested for 2nd degree along with his son, Ethan, who tested for 1st degree in 2021.
In 2022, The Isshinryu Hall of Fame (IHOF) named Jesse as the 1st place winner of Male karate student of the year, placing beyond thousands of Isshinryu students from hundreds of dojos across the country. Jesse has competed at numerous tournaments and won several trophies, including 1st place in weapons three times. He is a lead instructor at Family Self Defense Center. He participates in community activities with FSDC, including Light Up the Night and the City of Novi parades. In 2024, The Isshinryu Hall of Fame chose Jesse as the Male Instructor of the Year, an honor he believes belongs to his dedicated students.
Outside of karate, Jesse works a local senior center, designing and coordinating activities for residents. Previously, he worked as a director of a virtual high school. Before that, Jesse was a long-time middle school teacher in Detroit. He is an active member of his church where he often teaches on Sundays. Hb.